Sunday, February 1, 2009

MSM name calling

How come these days the gahmen and the MSM like to call names? First (ok not really the first) we got Charles Chong calling us lesser mortals. Then Eugene Wee the tabloid writer calls bloggers bacteria. 

And then now Straits Times must join in. The two brave nudists are called insects. Like that how to be gracious society. Not even that, what kind of society are we that has MPs thinking the people it represents as lesser mortals? 

Straits Times is also not some upright institution what. At most it reports things as things are. But that is not very often. Mostly it reports things so that the gahmen will look good. I don't really want to join in the name-calling and call them prostitutes and lapdogs and shitty times and toilet paper and what not la. But for an immoral bootlicker newspaper to sit on some moral horse and call other people insects is a bit rich. 

If I call pest control to go fumigate the SPH newsroom you think how many rats and cockroaches will crawl out? 

Feb 1, 2009

That naked stunt

... Just as there were those who cheered them on, there were others who were discomfited or offended by the stunt. There must be a sense of decorum in any society which sets its own threshold of social tolerance. One could say aberrations are to be expected with the influx of all sorts of foreigners, who bring with them their social mores and strange habits. Resident foreigners largely respect local sensibilities. The Holland V performers were the odd insects to have flown in through the open window.

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